
Make NLP easy by building chatbots and models, and executing various NLP tasks to gain data-driven insights from raw text data.
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The Natural Language Processing Workshop is ideal if you're looking for a structured, hands-on approach to get started with NLP.
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Course Curriculum

An A to Z tour of natural language processing.

  • 2. Feature Extraction Methods

    • Overview
    • Types of Data
    • Cleaning Text Data
    • Exercise 2.01: Text Cleaning and Tokenization
    • Exercise 2.02: Extracting n-gram
    • Exercise 2.03: Tokenizing Text with Keras and TextBlob
    • Exercise 2.04: Tokenizing Text Using Various Tokenizers
    • Stemming
    • Exercise 2.05: Converting Words in the Present Continuous Tense into Base Words with RegexpStemmer
    • Exercise 2.06: Using the Porter Stemmer
    • Lemmatization
    • Exercise 2.07: Performing Lemmatization
    • Exercise 2.08: Singularizing and Pluralizing Words
    • Language Translation
    • Exercise 2.09: Language Translation
    • Stop-Word Removal
    • Exercise 2.10: Removing Stop Words from Text
    • Activity 2.01: Extracting Top Keywords from the News Article
    • Activity 2.01: Extracting Top Keywords from the News Article
    • Feature Extraction from Texts
    • Exercise 2.11: Extracting General Features from Raw Text
    • Exercise 2.12: Extracting General Features from Text
    • Bag of Words (BoW)
    • Exercise 2.13: Creating a Bag of Words
    • Zipf's Law
    • Exercise 2.14: Zipf's Law
    • Term Frequency–Inverse Document Frequency (TFIDF)
    • Exercise 2.15: TFIDF Representation
    • Finding Text Similarity – Application of Feature Extraction
    • Exercise 2.16: Calculating Text Similarity Using Jaccard and Cosine Similarity
    • Word Sense Disambiguation Using the Lesk Algorithm
    • Exercise 2.17: Implementing the Lesk Algorithm Using String Similarity and Text Vectorization
    • Word Clouds
    • Exercise 2.18: Generating Word Clouds
    • Exercise 2.19: Other Visualizations Dependency Parse Trees and Named Entities
    • Activity 2.02: Text Visualization
    • Activity 2.02: Text Visualization
    • Summary
    • Survey I
  • 3. Developing a Text Classifier

    • Overview
    • Machine Learning
    • Exercise 3.01: Performing Hierarchical Clustering
    • k-means Clustering
    • Exercise 3.02: Implementing k-means Clustering
    • Supervised Learning
    • Exercise 3.03: Text Classification – Logistic Regression
    • Naive Bayes Classifiers
    • Exercise 3.04: Text Classification – Naive Bayes
    • k-nearest Neighbors
    • Exercise 3.05: Text Classification Using the k-nearest Neighbors Method
    • Regression
    • Exercise 3.06: Regression Analysis Using Textual Data
    • Tree Methods
    • Exercise 3.07: Tree-Based Methods – Decision Tree
    • Random Forest
    • Exercise 3.08: Tree-Based Methods – Random Forest
    • Exercise 3.09: Tree-Based Methods – XGBoost
    • Sampling
    • Exercise 3.10: Sampling (Simple Random, Stratified, and Multi-Stage)
    • Developing a Text Classifier
    • Exercise 3.11: Removing Highly Correlated Features (Tokens)
    • Dimensionality Reduction
    • Exercise 3.12: Performing Dimensionality Reduction Using Principal Component Analysis
    • Deciding on a Model Type
    • Exercise 3.13: Calculating the RMSE and MAPE of a Dataset
    • Activity 3.01: Developing End-to-End Text Classifiers
    • Activity 3.01: Developing End-to-End Text Classifiers
    • Building Pipelines for NLP Projects
    • Exercise 3.14: Building the Pipeline for an NLP Project
    • Exercise 3.15: Saving and Loading Models
    • Summary
  • 4. Collecting Text Data with Web Scraping and APIs

    • Overview
    • Collecting Data by Scraping Web Pages
    • Exercise 4.01: Extraction of Tag-Based Information from HTML Files
    • Exercise 4.02: Collecting Online Text Data
    • Exercise 4.03: Analyzing the Content of Jupyter Notebooks (in HTML Format)
    • Activity 4.01: Extracting Information from an Online HTML Page
    • Activity 4.01: Extracting Information from an Online HTML Page
    • Activity 4.02: Extracting and Analyzing Data Using Regular Expressions
    • Activity 4.02: Extracting and Analyzing Data Using Regular Expressions
    • Dealing with Semi-Structured Data
    • Exercise 4.04: Working with JSON Files
    • XML
    • Exercise 4.05: Working with an XML File
    • Using APIs to Retrieve Real-Time Data
    • Exercise 4.06: Collecting Data Using APIs
    • Extracting data from Twitter Using the OAuth API
    • Activity 4.03: Extracting Data from Twitter
    • Activity 4.03: Extracting Data from Twitter
    • Summary
    • Survey II
  • 5. Topic Modeling

    • Overview
    • Topic Discovery
    • Topic-Modeling Algorithms
    • Exercise 5.01: Analyzing Wikipedia World Cup Articles with Latent Semantic Analysis
    • Dirichlet Process and Dirichlet Distribution
    • Exercise 5.02: Finding Topics in Canadian Open Data Inventory Using the LDA Model
    • Activity 5.01: Topic-Modeling Jeopardy Questions
    • Activity 5.01: Topic-Modeling Jeopardy Questions
    • Hierarchical Dirichlet Process (HDP)
    • Exercise 5.03: Topics in Around the World in Eighty Days
    • Exercise 5.04: Topics in the Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe
    • Practical Challenges
    • Activity 5.02: Comparing Different Topic Models
    • Activity 5.02: Comparing Different Topic Models
    • Summary
  • 6. Vector Representation

    • Overview
    • What Is a Vector?
    • Exercise 6.01: Word-Level One-Hot Encoding
    • Character-Level One-Hot Encoding
    • Exercise 6.02: Character One-Hot Encoding – Manual
    • Exercise 6.03: Character-Level One-Hot Encoding with Keras
    • Learned Word Embeddings
    • Exercise 6.04: Training Word Vectors
    • Using Pre-Trained Word Vectors
    • Exercise 6.05: Using Pre-Trained Word Vectors
    • Document Vectors
    • Exercise 6.06: Converting News Headlines to Document Vectors
    • Activity 6.01: Finding Similar News Article Using Document Vectors
    • Activity 6.01: Finding Similar News Article Using Document Vectors
    • Summary
    • Survey III
  • 7. Text Generation and Summarization

    • Overview
    • Generating Text with Markov Chains
    • Exercise 7.01: Text Generation Using a Random Walk over a Markov Chain
    • Text Summarization
    • Exercise 7.02: Performing Summarization Using TextRank
    • Exercise 7.03: Summarizing a Children's Fairy Tale Using TextRank
    • Activity 7.01: Summarizing Complaints in the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Dataset
    • Activity 7.01: Summarizing Complaints in the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Dataset
    • Recent Developments in Text Generation and Summarization
    • Summary
  • 8. Sentiment Analysis

    • Overview
    • Why Is Sentiment Analysis Required?
    • Tools Used for Sentiment Analysis
    • Exercise 8.01: Basic Sentiment Analysis Using the textblob Library
    • Activity 8.01: Tweet Sentiment Analysis Using the textblob Library
    • Activity 8.01: Tweet Sentiment Analysis Using the textblob Library
    • Understanding Data for Sentiment Analysis
    • Exercise 8.02: Loading Data for Sentiment Analysis
    • Training Sentiment Models
    • Activity 8.02: Training a Sentiment Model Using TFIDF and Logistic Regression
    • Activity 8.02: Training a Sentiment Model Using TFIDF and Logistic Regression
    • Summary
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Here is what they have to say about Packt workshops:


Federico Patito

This course is excelent, with this course you learn a lot of topics and each topic has some exercises that are very u...

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This course is excelent, with this course you learn a lot of topics and each topic has some exercises that are very useful.

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Very detailed workshop with good excercises and activites

Ajijul Hakim Abid

Very good in-depth workshop in python. Goes over almost every topics but some topics could have a more detailed expla...

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Very good in-depth workshop in python. Goes over almost every topics but some topics could have a more detailed explanation. Would't recommend for someone totally new to programming.

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Great Introductory Course

mohammad nazeri

This course covers basic Python syntax, how to develop software in python, how to work in a team, and an introduction...

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This course covers basic Python syntax, how to develop software in python, how to work in a team, and an introduction to data science and machine learning with Python.

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An excellent way to learn Python

Juan Alberto Cañero Tamayo

I like the methodology applied to this workshop, it starts from the basic and a good explanation of the subjects plus...

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I like the methodology applied to this workshop, it starts from the basic and a good explanation of the subjects plus a plenty of examples helps you to understand Python.

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5 Stars for the content !

Mahesh Deshpande

I belong to mechanical background and started leaning any kind of programming in my life with this course. This is to...

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I belong to mechanical background and started leaning any kind of programming in my life with this course. This is too good for a beginner like me. The content is properly given and exercise and activities are also good. Video explainations help a lot ! The only problem I faced was the kernel busy problem in the Jupyter IDE. Otherwise I found Jupyter most user friendly as compared to other IDEs. Thanks Packt for this course !

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The most satisfying python workshop i ever attended!

Sanket Gadge

I have attended many python workshops, but this one is really great, the content is super awesome. Actually all the c...

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I have attended many python workshops, but this one is really great, the content is super awesome. Actually all the courses workshops i ever attended they never taught me (for ex. say logging) everything in python, but this workshop even covers the python from beginner to advanced. With activities included, this workshop made me think more and more rather than just going through the content and reading text and videos. I learned a ton here. Thank you for all the coaches who creating this extra ordinary content.

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This course format and is very easily understandable. Workshop Certificate structure are very wonderful. Thanks a lot...

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This course format and is very easily understandable. Workshop Certificate structure are very wonderful. Thanks a lot for Packt👈

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Excellent course !!

Luiz Pellegrini

Very well structured, with good examples and a rational sequence !! An additional feature is that it is updated and d...

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Very well structured, with good examples and a rational sequence !! An additional feature is that it is updated and designed run on Jupyter Notebooks!!

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Course content

Edward Amankwah

The course presents a great way to data visualization techniques and it also opens up a lot of opportunities for data...

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The course presents a great way to data visualization techniques and it also opens up a lot of opportunities for data scientist to explore their dataset before and after data modelling.

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Many disciplines in Data Visualization

Thomas Hopf

Taking into account Python and therefore Jupyter Notebooks as a "platform" isn't a problem at all, since it's common....

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Taking into account Python and therefore Jupyter Notebooks as a "platform" isn't a problem at all, since it's common. Setting up by "cloning" a github repository was very easy. The toolboxes for visualization in focus are Matplotlib (famous), Seaborn, Geoplotlib. The order makes sense and in order to get Python basics pandas and numpy are also introduced first. Finally Bokeh is introduced as an interactive tool with no deep-dive but explaining the concept and options. At the end there will be a summary. The quizzes are not that easy in my opinion and you really should follow every topic and do the exersices, activities. Thanks for this perfect designed workshop course and the good example datasets. Greetz, Tommy

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Simple and straight-forward intro

Geoffrey Letsoalo

The introduction is simple and very informative in terms of estalishing and getting the development environment going...

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The introduction is simple and very informative in terms of estalishing and getting the development environment going. Very intuitive!

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Different and made for people like me

Muizz Lateef

I have been watching tutorial videos for over 6 months now and not really confident yet, but few minutes into this te...

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I have been watching tutorial videos for over 6 months now and not really confident yet, but few minutes into this text approach and i am already getting the whole idea

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Excellent Course Overall

Jon Hill

Had some familiarity with Python before starting the course and working through the exercises and activities, certain...

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Had some familiarity with Python before starting the course and working through the exercises and activities, certainly picked up some things that I had missed before and filled some gaps in my knowledge. Course needs a bit of proof-reading as a number of errors sprinkled throughout. Found the Activities needed a little more guidance rather than being vague but worked out in the end. Overall excellent course, especially for those beginning with Python as covers a full spectrum of Python requirements. Many thanks

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Review for the Python Workshop

Samapriya Trivedi

This workshop provides one of the best educative content for the Python available on internet. Got to know a lot abou...

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This workshop provides one of the best educative content for the Python available on internet. Got to know a lot about Python and it's working in a very elaborate manner.

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Learning Python is Easier

Jayabalan Ravichandiran

Python concepts and using those in practice , made easier to know about python. Core concepts are explained in detail...

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Python concepts and using those in practice , made easier to know about python. Core concepts are explained in detail . The activities enables to play & know python more than reading through only concepts . The Best of python course is here ....

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Real Python lover... The Packt.

Jonty Rhodes

What can I say this website is very good for beginners. Although this website enhancing my programming experience al...

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What can I say this website is very good for beginners. Although this website enhancing my programming experience also. keep it up. May Allah bless you.

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Attila Sebők's review

Attila Sebők

A Python Workshop kellemes meglepetés volt számomra. Tetszett a tema csoportosítása. Sokat tanultam a Workshopból. Am...

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A Python Workshop kellemes meglepetés volt számomra. Tetszett a tema csoportosítása. Sokat tanultam a Workshopból. Ami lehetne jobb: naprakész hibajavítás a leckékben és a tesztekben.

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Varun Kanthety

This is a wonderful course to dive deeply into the main features of JavaScript. Without any hesitation, I highly reco...

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This is a wonderful course to dive deeply into the main features of JavaScript. Without any hesitation, I highly recommend this workshop to learn JavaScript.

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Good course on JavaScript... Super Easy Language, Every e...

Kuntal Bhowmick

The Workshop is really good and covers a lot of content starting from basics till advance. The Workshop explain ho...

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The Workshop is really good and covers a lot of content starting from basics till advance. The Workshop explain how things work by using simple language, so you don't feel like you're just copying code—you're actually understanding what you're writing, and why. In particular, I appreciate this JavaScript Workshop because of the exercise and the activities given for each and every concept. The workshop also show students how to problem-solve like a developer: what to type into Google when you're stuck, how to get to the bottom of an error message, etc. I think the understanding the core concept was very beneficial and think it would help me become a better developer in the future. Amazing breakdowns that really help fill in knowledge gaps. Great exercises with fully detailed explanations. I am satisfied with the course. I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to learn JS(JavaScript). Edit: I want to add another thing. The quiz given after every section is very important. It gives me how much I understand the section. the quiz also displays the explanation of each answer along with whether my selected answer is right or wrong.

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Programming fundamentals

Oteri Eyenike

I was able to understand the conditional statement, data types, the object of properties and I like every aspect of t...

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I was able to understand the conditional statement, data types, the object of properties and I like every aspect of the course.

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Adedeji Adelanwa

It is quite informative and helpfully. A real refresher and eye opener for me. Though there are a few typos and sente...

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It is quite informative and helpfully. A real refresher and eye opener for me. Though there are a few typos and sentence misplacement and also video. I don't mind helping out in correcting the errors

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A must for those aiming to become true web developers

Jose B

Despite minor aspects with tests (the one focused on PHP), it is a very good way to teach yourself JavaScript coverin...

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Despite minor aspects with tests (the one focused on PHP), it is a very good way to teach yourself JavaScript covering the latest ECMA standards,

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One of the best place to learn


This workshop course is not a pack of subject but also helps in connecting real-world and also provide wide-range of ...

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This workshop course is not a pack of subject but also helps in connecting real-world and also provide wide-range of concepts which make this workshop stand out of the box

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Great workshop

Djoko Cahyo Utomo Lieharyani

This workshop gives a provide broad insight into python, more to practical exercises and activities. There are some p...

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This workshop gives a provide broad insight into python, more to practical exercises and activities. There are some problems tough, like some wrong script, redundant question, and no clear definition on some part (around 15% of 100% I guess), but the discussion part is helpful, coz sometimes with reading discussion part make some problem clear. My suggestion is to make the workshop perfect by validating the disscussion part.

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Marcos Souza

I was very surprised by the quality of this course. Its well organized, full of examples on the subjects it is teachi...

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I was very surprised by the quality of this course. Its well organized, full of examples on the subjects it is teaching, relevant quizzes and exercises, and even videos. Its by far the best free course i've ever seen.

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Course content

Edward Amankwah

A great way to review the length and breath of Python language. It introduces more concepts that can be pursued furth...

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A great way to review the length and breath of Python language. It introduces more concepts that can be pursued further which I really like, especially for data science.

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